On the 21st of October, 863 (Thurston) Squadron hosted an evening dedicated to leadership, marking the first step in what will be a continued journey of instruction in leadership for our new recruits.
Presented and run by OC Miles Green and our Recruit Training Team (RTT), this foundation course served as an introduction to the core principles of leadership that will shape the cadets’ time with us in the Air Training Corps.
The session was a full and active evening, providing recruits with a hands-on experience in leadership scenarios. Central to the course was the practical application of the SMEAC model, which stands for Situation, Mission, Execution, Any Questions, and Check Understanding.
This framework is essential for effective communication and decision-making in leadership roles. By walking through each element of SMEAC, the cadets gained a solid understanding of how to approach different scenarios with clarity and confidence.
This evening laid the groundwork for further leadership development, equipping our recruits with the tools they’ll need to take on more responsibility and grow as leaders throughout their time with 863 (Thurston) Squadron and the ATC.
